Empower Your Engagement

resonant communication
for personal, professional
 & social impact

Our Vision is a world where communication creates understanding over confusion and is used as a means of alliance over manipulation. Therefore, our Mission is to guide leaders & organizations in applying Resonant Communication in order to transform all aspects of communication, including: marketing, messaging, team collaboration, and civil discourse. 

Resonant Communication is transforming how communication can create connection and change




Nobody Listens Like They Used To

Our minds are running from too much noise

Cognitive overload drowns you out​

Biases cancel you out

As a society, we are in a collective state of communication overload, and our minds are developing powerful coping mechanisms to manage the noise.

That’s bad news for traditional communication and content creation methods that research is proving don’t just confuse people; they trigger full-blown message rejection.

Hundreds of biases silently fight against your best attempts to create understanding and trust.

More than 180 have been mapped that interfere with communication alone.

Many of us are in states of "Cognitive Overload" from processing so many messages, plus 70,000 thoughts a day, and making 35,000 decisions a day.

We don't take things in the same when in overload.

There's a solid chance your conversion challenges are actually communication challenges 

does any of the following resonate with you?


Your company or brand's consumers exhibit confusion as a result of misaligned consumer messaging. 


You're having difficulty establishing trust within your organization as a leader, or within your market as a brand. 


Your teams demonstrate poor troubleshooting skills, an overall lack of planning, and an unwillingness to collaborate effectively. 


Your various forms of communication come across as disconnected & read as deficient in clarity, confidence, and empathy. 

How Resonant Language Improves Communication

Engage 100% of the Mind

Design messages to engage the conscious and non-conscious mind simultaneously as the non-conscious mind controls 95% of decision-making

Limit Bias Interference

Navigate the biases interfering with successful communication processing

Maximum Cognitive Overload

Limit the potential for communication to overwhelm and be tuned out

Overcome Decision Fatigue

Construct suggestions and requests to increase consideration and compliance

Change Minds

Optimize communication to positively affect change in opinions, positions, and beliefs

Accelerate Agreement

Accelerate understanding and agreement

Minimize Backfire Effect

Limit the use of communication rejection triggers

Change Behaviour

Catalyze positive behaviour shifts and change

Unify Teams

Unify teams with an easy-to-follow framework that produces immediate results

Here's how we change all of that

Communication Training

  • Resonant Communication workshops for leaders and teams
  • Deepen expertise through certification programs
  • Available as either virtual or in-person modalities to fit specific needs
  • Curriculum customized to fit your unique communication goals

Impact Audits + Strategy

  • Focus on audit messaging, marketing, and leadership communications
  • Identifies specific gaps that are preventing resonance with your core audience 
  • Opportunity to co-create new content tuned for maximum resonance
  • Ensures ethical use of influence factors, as well as limiting backfire in high-stakes communication

Executive Coaching

  • 1:1 coaching for leadership and communication with a focus on shaping internal culture and team cohesion 
  • Learn how to deliver more effective speeches, announcements, and policy communications
  • PR crisis and reputation management 

How we resonate

The Path to Integration


Utilizing our 22 years of integrated Resonant Communication research & both industry and audience-specific options, we fine-tune your workshop/training applications. 


Explore the science of Resonant Communication via in-person or virtual workshop modalities, with curriculum from fundamental concepts through mastery-level content available. 


Develop executable strategies, attuned to resonant principles aimed at transforming your organization's marketing, messaging, leadership, and crisis communication preparedness. 


From PR campaigns to internal messaging, we will craft content that maximizes resonance across all of your organization's communication forms and touchpoints. 


Sustain, as well as continue to grow your organization's portfolio of Resonant Communication skills via ongoing training and coaching opportunities. 


Immersive Learning:


Conceptualize & Create:



Industries Impacted


Across several continents 


...and integrated.


Resulting in students both trained

"Change your words... change your world"

I am Elizabeth Edwards, and I firmly believe that we can create positive, impactful changes within ourselves, our community, and the larger whole of society when we become more attuned to our communication and messaging. I've spent over two decades studying the parallels and crossovers between behavioral science, communication, and neuroscience to truly understand how our language and messaging resonates within ourselves and externally across groups social groups, businesses, and cultures of all sizes. 

I'm all about the science, and I'm more than prepared to help your organization, industry, or private communication and messaging structures exhibit profoundly positive changes, resulting in unique unification and brand messaging that resonates with your ideal audience. 

Let's face it...
Communication is Changing

Everything is (ultimately) Science

All the different sciences study different pieces of the puzzle that combine to create a map of true human communication:

  • Cognitive linguistics demystifies meaning-making
  • Behavioral linguistics ethically motivates minds
  • Behavioral economics shapes positive behaviors
  • Psychology supports mental and emotional states
  • Neuroscience resonate with brain processing
  • Sociology tune for social cohesion
But science is inherently separated.

They all only see their own tiny part of the puzzle...

Effective communication
is an established science.

Communication has never been taught as an integrated science field - so we created it ourselves. Vastly improving communication outcomes with recent scientific breakthroughs, and uncovering a new Blueprint of Human Communication with clues from the social, natural, and physical sciences.

For two decades, we have studies breakthroughs across behavioral psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, physics, and more. We have tested insights from thousands of scientific studies in real-world applications for universities, governments, non-profits, NGOs, and brands.

  • The hyperobject of communication is not studied by one organizing body that integrates insights from all of the sciences
  • Communication unintentionally creates guaranteed discord by not being science-informed
  • Science reveals how to communicate to deepen resonance, harmonic connection, and influence change with civility.


“Blew my expectations away. They did such a thorough job we now have a complete strategic roadmap to maximize the success of our communication and growth. The lasting impact this will have is exciting.”

Kaitlin Macguire, Executive Director, Idaho STEM Action Center

Resonant Communication Methods for Everyone

from start-ups to global markets...

We provide research packages, virtual and in-person workshops + trainings, as well as a variety of enhancements specific to your industry or need, with both the supplemental content + collateral, and ongoing support to attain true success and develop a deep understanding across all of your messaging platforms. This is the professional development that will truly change not only the way you do business, but also initiate truly positive social change as well. 

Societal Impact






Benefits for LEADERS

  • Increased marketing and communications success Reduced consumer confusion and greater comprehension Higher team productivity and cohesion
  • Enhanced talent recruitment and retention
  • Competitive differentiation as an ethical leader


Benefits for SOCIETY


Benefits for SELF

We provide research packages, virtual and in-person workshops + trainings, as well as a variety of enhancements specific to your industry or need, with both the supplemental content + collateral, and ongoing support to attain true success and develop a deep understanding across all of your messaging platforms. This is the professional development that will truly change not only the way you do business, but also initiate truly positive social change as well. 

  • Master techniques to break through noise and overload Learn to sequence messages that guide sense-making Acquire skills to prevent backfire and discord
  • Practice tuning language dynamics for resonance
  • Gain expertise to position yourself as a trusted advisor
  • Improved inclusion, collaboration and cohesion on teams More effective planning, problem-solving and decision- making
  • Enhanced trust and relationship-building across the organization
  • Restored civil discourse and social cohesion 
  • Reversal of plummeting mental health trends 
  • Greater collective reasoning and problem-solving 
  • Increased alignment on solutions for humanity
  • Communicate with clarity, confidence and care
  • Form deeper connections with more harmonious conversations Reduce anxiety through less misinterpretation
  • Achieve goals by inspiring versus coercing action Re-language your inner thought world and replace your “inner critic” to experience greater fulfillment and well-being

Structured Support

Building expertise through decades of existing research

Our unparalleled research equips you with an intimate understanding of communication dynamics across your team, company, community, and yourself to tune it for ultimate success.

Once your Resonant Communication foundation is laid in workshop training, graduate to creating resonant content and strategies on your own, or supported by our team while learning further depths of Resonant Communication to become a finely-tuned instrument of connective influence.

Learn from the 22 years of integrated Resonant Communication research.

Co-create executable communication, crisis, brand, and business strategies attuned to resonant principles.

Immerse in the fundamental science of Resonant Communication through in- person or virtual workshops.

Craft content that maximizes resonance across all communication forms and touchpoints.

stage 1: research



stage 2: learn

Path to Integration


Sustain and grow foundational Resonant Communication skills through ongoing training and coaching.



Research Review

Analysis of the latest social science research from your industry. Findings integrated throughout your Resonant Communication Foundations & Frameworks workshop to tune your methods with the latest research specific to your work to ensure maximum potency.

Studies of importance integrated within training content and outlined in workbook materials with DOI links for future reading.


Research Report & Action Plan

After completion of the Research Review, a Research Report and Action Plan summarizes priority industry and audience research findings, and outlines the “Resonance Keys” and the “Language Leads” to prioritize across your communication.

Language Lead recommendations in infographic format for easy reference and repeated use.


workshop training packages + ENHANCEMENTS

  • 2 Day Communication Team
  • 3 Day Communication Team + Leadership
  • Workshop additions
  • On-demand recording
  • Offsite experience


  • Endless folding class
  • Creative applications


  • Resonant impact
  • Resonant team
  • Resonant success
  • Private coaching
  • Resonant retreat


The ways the mind processes communication, and use this new knowledge to dial in your efforts with more accuracy than ever before.


Communication with a heightened awareness and sensitivity toward its psychological, behavioral and motivational influence.


Around the non-conscious biases and filters that are likely the real culprit for communication interference and limit.


New science-based strategies proven by brands like BMW, Transamerica, and Charter to increase communication outcomes exponentially.

Want to learn more about our methodologies and processes?

Still Not Sure?

I'm here to listen & help

As someone with a profound grasp of the noise level and confusing, sales-motivated messaging occurring in the marketplace, I can understand why you would want to know more or have a better understanding of how Resonant Communication training can truly impact your organization. I'm here to connect with you 1:1 to answer your questions and explore options specific to your industry.